Courntey Pippin-Mathur | notebook ,  Before I post the conference notes, I want to say..

Wednesday, February 13

Before I post the conference notes, I want to say..

I'm sitting here feeling pretty miserable. I have a cold, it is that nasty mixture of rain and ice outside and I am feeling the post conference blues. I know that this is a pretty common phenomoen but it still blows. (my buddy Leeza-who is one of the peppiest people on earth- is also feeling it, go give her a virtual hug, will ya?) The mixture of seeing such incredible art, meeting other people who share your dream and hearing inspirational stories from people who are "living the dream" should not make you want to hibernate. But it does.

I wonder if it is like that across the board? Do writers feel this way too? Do people who have published a book still get the conference blues? Could it have anything to do with having to go back to normal life? Is it due to Feburary-which always gets me down anyway? Do tell me people, have you ever felt this way? Am I being overly dramatic on a cold evening becasue I know I will soon have to go face the ice and snow which caused me to bust my rear this morning?

I have my sketches scanned and am organizing my thoughts. I'll post my notes soon. I promise they will be a bit more uplifting. Sunshine coming soon.


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Blogger ms. froggie said...

aaaaaaaaaawwww!!!! that's EXACTLY how it feels. you DO wanna hibernate. my brain is still swimmy a bit...i saw your work courtney, but i didn't get to find you....and i was feeling so shy. maybe i'll be gutsier in LA! :)) i promise next conference to just walk right up, stick out my hand and say "HI, COURTNEY! I'M FROGGIE, er, COLLEEN and i SO DIG YOUR WORK!"

but, i promise not to yell it that way. :))

2/14/2008 9:25 AM 
Blogger Kelly Light said...

Courtney- I feel exactly the same way too. It was a mixture of inspirational speakers raising you up!.... The realistic editors bringing you down....the great art bringing you back up... the thought of 1000+ people in one room all wanting the same thing and realizing maybe 1/5 of them will get it..... then meeting people you connect with who are trying maybe even harder than you...that makes you try harder! Chin up, nose to the grind stone! Be true to yourself and work your ass off! Your work is full of life's quirkiness and color! (I like the uneven boobs on the old ladies)- when you get to that promised land of published-ness...remember me! Thanks for the nice compliments on my work! I hope next time, we talk, Kelly

2/14/2008 9:13 PM 
Blogger LEEZY said...

One helluva roller coaster ride, ain't it?

Whoa, man am I all over the place or what. Courtney, you and I have shared my woes, and yours, of how this makes one feel so dejected and deflated and elated all at the same time. It wiped me out — but in the last 24 hours, I have had so many wonderful e-mails filled with love, inspiration and great advice (As well as a good telling off) that I feel the only way now is up.

I guess we just have to hold on for dear life, enjoy the thrills of the downward dip, as much as the relief of the upward glide and know that we'll always be firmly attached to the rails, even if we think we're going to go off the edge.

Now I can't wait for the warmer weather so I can hit Great Adventure!

You can do this Courtney, I believe in you and your talent, we all do!

2/14/2008 10:54 PM 

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