Courntey Pippin-Mathur | notebook ,  2008

Saturday, January 5


Happy 2008 to everyone! I have been a little slow to get to the ole blog this year. December was a crazy month! Birthday parties, family, christmas, family, neighborhood parties, family. It was wonderful and chaotic and it has taken me a bit to slow down and then gear up for the new year. A few things that are happening soon or have happened recently.

1. The new site, Whatdaya think?
2. SCBWI NY Conference 2008 Portfolio Showcase.

A few things I need to do:

1, Create new pieces for portfolio and Soup assignments.
2. Get ready for the conference
3. Just get in the swing of creating again, period.

The goal for last year was peaceful progression.

For this year it is happy success.

I'd better get to work.