Courntey Pippin-Mathur | notebook ,  SCBWI NY Conference 07

Thursday, January 4

SCBWI NY Conference 07

In one month and a week it will be time for my second SCBWI NY Conference. I am excited and a little overwhelmed so I thought I would post my to-do list here so I could keep track of everything I need to do.

1. Get postcards made
2. Create piece for showcase
3. Re-do web-site
4. Add portfolio pieces (re-do several pieces)
5. Complete assignment for Illustrator day

At least I have my buisness cards and I know what I'm going to do for the Illustrator Day assignment.

Who else is coming?


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Blogger Sherry Rogers said...

Wow how exciting! Have a wonderful time!

1/05/2007 10:16 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was able to come up with a basic story premise! It was enough to create a thumbnail storyline with, and ironically, it stars a pig. Courtney:grannies Me:piggies?

Oh, and thanks a LOT for reminding me of everything I need to do between now and the conference! (heehee!)

1/06/2007 12:17 PM 
Anonymous Carlynn said...

Thanks for your sweet comments about my blog. I was just thinking about how bleah my entries sounded so you gave me a huge boost! And funny that we are both married to our physical opposites, makes life much more interesting I think. I couldn't imagine it any other way now.

I'm enjoying reading about the preparations for the conference in NY. I hope you get everything done in time and that it helps you advance with 2007's creative projects.

1/07/2007 11:59 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish I could go to the conference too. I hope you'll have a wonderful time and learn lots of stuff!


1/08/2007 6:55 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, and since we're both being so open about going to this conference, you know that people are going to be all "what'd you learn? what'd you learn? share! share!" As soon as we get back. :D

1/08/2007 10:58 PM 
Blogger shoofly said...

I'll be there! My first time, so I'm nervous already!

1/18/2007 2:07 PM 

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