Courntey Pippin-Mathur | notebook ,  Living the Dream

Wednesday, September 6

Living the Dream

Here are some more lovely books I found during our latest trips to the library and bookstore.

Rob Scotton - "Russell the Sheep" I fell in love with these illustrations and the gentle story when I went to purchase the Pud's monthly book. The perspective, detail, texture are amazing and perfect for sleepy time reading.

Chris Raschka - "The Hello, Goodbye Window" This is one I found in the library and then later purchased It was this year's Caldecott winner so you'd think I would have loved it immediately. At first glance, I was overwhelmed by the style he used but have to grown to really love it's loose, child-like and incredibly detailed illustrations. It features interracial couples which I love and has a sweet without trite story (by Norton Juster) . We read this once at least twice a week. I looked up some of his other books and still find this one to be my favorite.

Marla Frazee - "Mrs Biddlebox" I found Marla's site a while ago (and blogged it) and fell in love with her illustrations. I had wanted to read this book forever but just recently found it at the library. I love it with a capital, underlined L. Grumpy, frumpy ladies are right up my alley, the poem is witty and the illustrations are incredible. (It also has a very touching and sad back story regarding the author, Linda Smith)
This is one I hope to purchase soon. The pud requests this one often and it a great positive without being sappy read.

Rebecca Doughty -"Lost and Found" I met Rebecca at the SCBWI conference and found her to be a funny and friendly person I could look up to. Her illustrations are different, fun and funky. I love her rhymes and am glad I bought this book at the conference.

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Blogger Dee said...

I wish you knew how big a smile you put on my face with these lists. Not only do you have excellent picks, but nine times out of ten, you pick books I myself have admired and wished to buy. Oh, I bought Rebecca's "You are to me" at the conference in Feb., and it's still one of my fave books. It's so sweet and poignant. Good pick!

9/06/2006 9:27 PM 

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